Monday, March 15, 2010

Who Wants to be a Young Millionaire? I DO!!!

I wish I had money. Doesn't everyone wish they had money? 

So let me be a little more specific. I want to have my own money, make a successful business then sell it, make another business and then sell that one...basically I want to do what this guy, Gurbaskh Chahal, did. This dude even got on Oprah...

Shoot, I want to be on Oprah too. You aren't anybody until you sit, let me repeat SIT to you Tom Cruise wannabes, on Oprah's couch.

But I digress. The real reason I want to have money is to help my Mom. If you want to call me a Mama's Boy for saying that, then I would respectfully ask you to evaluate yourself and find out why you don't have the same thought. My mother has been through things that have really made me hurt, mostly because I couldn't help. Having enough money to help her not worry about living paycheck to paycheck, or whether or not she can pay my tuition would be my way of lessening a load that she has to bare.

Of course I would I spend some of the money on me...maybe pick up that Bentley Ghost when its released. Who knows...the possibilities would be endless.

I write this from room 313 in The Andrew Hotel in or near Kings Points, Long Island, New York on a trip with F&M's Men's Basketball team...who their opening round game in the NCAA D3 tourney earlier today.

Posted via web from Diggs' Posterous

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