Monday, December 20, 2010

So You Like The Internet Huh?

Either my Uncle Hubert or Edward called my grandparent's apartment while I was over there just now. Now don't have a cow because I don't know which Uncle it was, they both leave in Detroit, therefore they have the same area code, and they sound the same on the phone. Uncles Hubert and Edward are my maternal grandfather's older any case one of them called to talk to my grandfather, Pop-Pop. I was getting ready to leave their place and walk across the parking lot to my building but Pop-Pop wagged a finger at me to say hold on, obviously the Uncle wanted to speak to me. I waited patiently, hearing half the conversations and it consisted of cut off sentences and chuckles so I was either going to get a riddle or a question that Pop-Pop deemed funny in his mind. Sure enough the first words that were spoken in my ear from Detroit via the receiver were "So you like the internet huh?"

The question hit me like a gramatically incorrect statement, my internal word processor threw up an SOS because it couldn't compute the question.I had never before thought of the world wide web in terms of "liking" it. I use it, a lot, and its practically on my right hip at all times thanks to my Blackberry...but to ask if I liked it seemed so out of place.

Our generation has grown up with technology. The only think amazing about computers to us is when they get smaller and yet more powerful. I can't imagine the feeling of simply being amazed by a computer in any form. The same goes for the internet. Its commonplace for me to be able to connect to anywhere in the world at the blink of an eye, to be able to post this blog and have it visible to any computer in the world. I know its possible to be unconnected but I can't imagine not even having the option of being connected at all. In the lifetime of my uncles and grandparents this world has gone through some incredible changes...what in the world can we think of next?

I am writing this from the futon in my apartment on the night of the first lunar eclipse since the 19-teens.

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